Customer Testimonials

Need More Reasons? Listen to these Guys:


KNC Trans Parts Co.
(Cookeville, TN)

Before starting my own business, I spent the last 29 years working for the world’s largest high volume torque converter rebuilder in the industry. For 22 years, I was the Eastern Divisional Sales Manager overseeing 26 sales staff. I left that position for several reasons; one of them being the decline in the quality of Product I sold.

Precision of New Hampton owners, Dennis & Leslie Hansen, as well as all of their employees, are committed to producing a high quality torque converter. Precision has the most knowledgeable sales and customer service staff in the industry. My company has sold over 8,000 Precision converters during the past ten months. We are happy to say that our warranty rate is wonderful. It is a pleasure for me to go into my customer’s transmission shops and find happy owners, builders, and R & R staff. They are happy because of the high quality of Precision converters.

-Sam Hall



Livengood Trans
(Union, MO)

I have been doing business with Precision Converters for over 17 years and that is because of the quality product and service that they provide. I also don’t have to worry about comebacks. If there is ever a problem, Precision will back their product 100%.

I had used several converter companies in the past before I switched to Precision. The more that those other companies grew, the less quality they had to offer. That is not the case with Precision. They focus on QUALITY even as their company continues to grow. That is why I use Precision Converters!

I also receive 1 day shipping from a local warehouse which is very convenient for me and it helps to keep my inventory costs down. The converters that I do keep in stock are delivered to me every 3 weeks by the Precision truck at no cost to me. Now THAT is service.

Everyone at Precision is very friendly and helpful. When I have a question, they have the answer for me. Precision knows their converters.

I am very pleased with Precision. They are the only converter source for my shop.

-Mike Livengood


Pioneer Park Transmissions
(Peoria, IL)

Since we switched to Precision converters, our comebacks have virtually disappeared. We are able to give a 3 year 36,000 mile warranty on our rebuilds because of our workmanship and confidence we put into the highest quality parts that are available to us. That’s the reason we use Precision.

The sales staff at Precision are really easy to talk to and very helpful. They always have answers to my questions.

Other converter companies that I had used are not only inconsistent with part numbers and information but truly pale in comparison when put against Precision in overall service.

-John Skender


Plano Transmission
(Plano, TX)

"When salesmen come in trying to sell me their brand of torque converters, I just tell them I use Precision of New Hampton, Inc. torque converters. The conversation usually ends there with them saying ’they just can’t compete’ with Precision of New Hampton, Inc.

Hands down, you are the best torque converter company we have ever used. You care about your product and your customers.

-Jeff McLeod
