Customer Testimonials

Need More Reasons? Listen to these Guys:

Hi-Tech Transmissions Inc.
(Sheridan, WY)

I’ve been using your converters for 9 years. Thanks for the quality work and craftsmanship you put in your converters. Whether it’s an RV, passenger car or a race car converter, you can count on it to be perfect. You have always been able to answer any technical questions I may have, or give me the right advice for the job. Again, thanks for making my job easier and keep up the good work.

-Kam Kekich


Jennings Transmission Service, Inc.
(Goldsboro, NC)

For any shop considering making the change from their current supplier to Precision torque converters, I strongly recommend sooner than later. Although I don’t know what my warranty ratio was specifically BEFORE Precision, it was bad! I had too many returns and all it did was cost me money. Warranties and returns make us look bad and quality is a high priority in this shop.

My warranty ratio with Precision is 0.61% and my shop runs an average of 250 units through a month. Needless to say, I am very pleased. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to start buying all of my converters from them at once instead of moving in gradually.

-Shane Smith

Jerry’s Transmission Service
(Guilford, CT)

Since we have been using your converters, we have less than a 1% return on over 1,100 units used in the last two years. Of the 1% that we returned, some of them were not torque converter failure but you kindly replaced them for us without any conflict.

We have been extremely pleased with the quality of your product because it directly affects our quality. We have been in business for over 43 years in one location, so quality is very important to us. We give a one-year unlimited mileage warranty with each unit and your product has met our demands.Due to the fact that we are located on the east coast and you are in the mid-west, it is important to us that we receive our converters in a short time frame. You have been extremely accommodating to us in regards to your prompt delivery service.

Thanks again and we will continue to use your excellent product.

-Paul R. Dostie & Brian B. Dostie


JR’s Quality Transmissions
(Carencro, LA)

Since switching to Precision fo New Hampton torque converters over 10 years ago we have been 100% satisfied not only with the products but with the customer service as well. Now our combacks are virtually non existant and a large part of that reason is Precision torque converters.
