Customer Testimonials

Need More Reasons? Listen to these Guys:

Ronnie Smith Trans
(Abilene, TX)

After being in business for 26 years, I have used many different brands of converters. Since I’ve started using Precision torque converters I have used approximately 1800 and can count on one hand (and still not use all my fingers) at how many comebacks I’ve had. We are a high quality shop and demand a high quality product and that’s why I purchase Precision of New Hampton torque converters.

Phone: 1-325-673-6601

-Kenny Smith



Rons Trans
(Sioux City, IA)

For ten years I have been doing business with Precision of New Hampton. I am very pleased with the quality of their converters as Precision offers a very dependable torque converter. I tried a competitors converter but was very disappointed. I switched to Precision and have not had any problems. I’m able to call in my order and receive the unit the next day.

-Ron Eaton



Royal Trans
(St. Joseph, MO)

Before switching to precision converters, we had a lot of comebacks, needless to say, we rarely have any warranties to speak of.

Using Precision converters has made everyone at our shop very happy because of the performance, quality, technical support, and customer service that is the best in the industry.

Make the switch to Precision.

-Quinn Talbott


Scottie’s Trans
(Amarillo, TX)

First of all, I’m not a price buyer, I’m a quality buyer.

I have 42 years vested in this line of work. I feel you get what you pay for. Precision of New Hampton, Inc. may not have the cheapest torque converters on the market, but their quality exceeds all.

I have visited the factory in New Hampton, IA. I was very impressed. It is a well organized facility. Dennis & Leslie, the owners, are in tune with the equipment and are well-educated on metal fatigue and the whole concept of general manufacturing. Everything about Precision of New Hampton, Inc. exceeds all.

-Scottie South
