Customer Testimonials

Need More Reasons? Listen to these Guys:

Transmission Exchange
(Chickasha, OK)

Being in business for 20 years means I am doing things right. I have done business with two other converter companies before I started doing business with you, Precision of New Hampton, Inc. The reason I switched converter companies is I had too many comebacks with the first two companies. Last year, my total converter comeback ratio was under 1.5%. That’s great for me and for my customers. It also says a lot for Precision of New Hampton, Inc. Your great customer service is also something your company should be very proud of. Thank you.

-Brian Want



Transmission Specialist
(Spearfish, SD)

I have been doing business with Precision of New Hampton since April 2001 and in that time I have been very pleased with the torque converters I use.

When I have had any questions or problems due to converter related comebacks, Precision has resolved the issues immediately, and I have had very few.

The Precision sales staff is very friendly, pleasant, and knowledgeable. They also deliver converters to me every three weeks- - - with no freight or delivery charge!!!

Precision of New Hampton is my first choice for a good quality torque converter and it should be yours, too.

-Brian Bergman



Twin City
(Monroe, LA)

"Precision converters give us an edge over our competition by providing us a product that is consistent, well built, and backed up by a readily available tech support and sales staff. In a business that has been family owned and operated for over 45 years, we know that it takes quality parts to build a quality product!



Warren Transmission & Auto
(Winston Salem, NC)

I wanted to let you know how pleased we are with Precision Converters.

We had used the same brand converters for years and had problems with them all along. One week in particular, we had 5 "comebacks" and all were due to torque converter failure. That was the day we decided to switch to Precision. That was about 3 years ago, and was the best decision we ever made.

Your converters cost a little more, but ARE WELL WORTH IT!

We look forward to doing business with you for a long time. We appreciate all your help and thank you for producing such a quality product.

-Charles & Sheree Warren